Team Illinois Roster

2024 Roster

We are honored to present the 2024 members of Team Illinois! These 12 had the best cumulative point totals across our tournament series. This includes the 1st 2 female members of the roster. Check out more info on Team Illinois here: 

Open Rankings
*Neal Bergman-1250 Points
*Mitch Kelley-925 points
*Joey Reynolds-860.5 points
*Chris Wilkins-760 points
*Louie Simbajon-662.5
*Chase Bremner-584.75
*Tahseen Robbani-558.5 points
*Kenny Velu-503.5 points
*Colin Hobart-445 points
*Cullen Bremner-400 points
Women’s Rankings
*Sam Greathouse-220 points
*Andrea Schwarz-211 points

2023 Roster

We are so proud to present the 2023 members of Team Illinois! These 10 had the best performances across our tournament series.
*Thanks to Alex Musselman for most of these photos from our 2023 state championship.


Gavin Broekema-1439.667 Points


Chris Wilkins-1115 Points

Neal Bergman-1075 Points

Joey Reynolds-744.6667 Points

Mitch Kelley-646 Points

Andy Trower-628 Points

Lindros Beard-461.4167 Points

Kenny Velu-381.25 Points

Wyatt Semke-367.25 Points

Marty Merigold-356 Points

2022 Roster